Archive for October 4th, 2011


Baby Wipes

I made some flannel baby wipes. Yes, I’m getting a little weirdly creative in my downtime. It was fun for maybe the first wipe, but yeah… I’m just not a sewing person so I don’t think I’ll do that again. I used my mom’s sewing machine, which must be at least 30 years old, and I only broke it once. Well, two unidentifiable metal pieces decided to dislodge themselves from somewhere and I couldn’t figure out how to get them back in for a while… but it all worked out in the end. I also ran out of white thread and was too lazy to re-thread the lower bobbin, so I just switched to black for the remainder of the project. Yes, it’s pitiful. But, it’s a baby wipe, who cares what color the thread is. Here’s what I did:

I basically cut 8×10 inch pieces of flannel with a zigzag scissors, then stitched the edges with a large zigzag stitch. Oh, I also found some random camouflage handkerchief material and thought I’d stitch that up as well just for fun. Interesting project. If I need any more cloth baby wipes, I will probably just use some thin baby washcloths like these that I was given.